Saturday, June 13, 2015

In search and seizure!

Many of you may remember that, one year ago (when the blog was in Spanish instead of English), we had a section called "En busca y captura", that literally means "In search and seizure". In that section, I used to publish about an item that I really wanted to get and so, with the help of my readers, I eventually found a seller. I consider myself a collector, and I like to buy from Starbazaars. But, when an item I really want is hard to find, I do a shoutout about my search in the blog.
For the ones that don't know me that much, I've never been a Superstar or bought SD. That means I don't have lots of Stardollars, so I can only pay in Starcoins: anyway it doesn't mean I don't pay fair (and also quite high) prizes.
Thanks to the blog, I could find pieces such as the Spectrolite Necklace Inspired by Kalevala, and I'm very thankful for that. Let's see if I can find again the piece that I'm looking for:

That dress is called "Pirate beach dress" and its brand is Tingeling. As far as I know, it is a quite old dress, since I think it dates from 2009. It was originally 7 SD worth: that confirms it's and old item, because old times used to be prized differently.
Considering all of that, my offer for this dress is 700 SC.

So, please, if you know any seller or you yourself are interested in selling, contact me commenting on this blog, in Stardoll or in Twitter. Your help will be very useful!! Thanks, beautiful readers!

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